Sunday, 5 February 2017

#100 706 7 AV SW Downtown Commercial Core, Calgary, AB T2P0Z1

Property Site:
Renovated and converted from Japanese restaurant to fully licensed reputable Korean restaurant with its finest dishes inspired by years of experience. Located at corner of busy streets and in front of C-Train station with lots of foot traffic. One of the best place to grab a bit in busy downtown fast-forward lift style serving salarymen and pedestrians, and it transforms to romantic and relaxing dining place where you can hang out with co-workers and friends. Over $100k invested to re-build this restaurant to serve 60 people in modern style. You can continue with this beloved Korean restaurant or bring your own idea to fuel up even more! Good lease till year 2020 plus option to renew, all utilities included! You are welcome to visit as a customer for lunch or dinner, but DO NOT APPROACH STAFF OR OWNER. Please book your private tour through listing agent.
Bathrooms: 0.00
Square feet: 1,926
Price: $199,000

For more information about this property, please contact Bob Kyoung at (403) 700-3232 or You can also text 4135839 to 67299.

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MLS ID: C4095963

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